Compatibility and requirements
Receiving and mailing IncaMail messages

Receiving IncaMail messages

In principle, anyone with an e-mail address can receive “confidential”, “personal” and “registered” IncaMail messages. Business customers receive IncaMail messages signed and already decrypted. All other recipients receive an e-mail from Swiss Post containing a “Read” button. To open the message on any device, be it your desktop or a mobile device, simply click on the button.

Note: unregistered recipients of a “confidential” IncaMail message have the option of registering. Registration and a one-off approval are required in order to receive “personal” and “registered” IncaMail messages.

Mailing IncaMail messages

There are three ways of sending secure IncaMail messages:

  • via the IncaMail web interface (for private users and teams);
  • via add-ins with current e-mail clients such as Outlook, Office 365 etc. (organizations with e-mail infrastructure connected directly to IncaMail);
  • via business software with IncaMail integration, e.g. for mailing payslips

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