Opening IncaMail
How you open your IncaMail message

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In the following instructions and videos you will find out how you open your received IncaMail messages on a computer or in the app.

Quick help for non-registered users (Computer/Laptop/Tablet/Mobile)

The message is in your inbox and has a subject line containing the comment “(Secured by IncaMail)”.

  1. Open the message and click on the button “Read”.
  2. Confirm the IncaMail GTC and click on the button “Request e-mail with key link”.
  3. You will soon receive an additional e-mail. Open the IncaMail message by clicking on the “Read message now” button contained in the e-mail.

Quick help for registered users (Computer/Laptop/Tablet/Mobile)

The message is in your inbox and has a subject line containing the comment “(Secured by IncaMail)”.

  1. Open the message and click on the button “Read”.
  2. Log in to IncaMail using your user details. If you use an alternative login for IncaMail, please select the corresponding provider from the “Other logins” list.

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